local noodles (local Ramen noodle soup)

Enjoy a bowl of the finest from “Ramen Prefecture”Among the varieties of ramen that have evolved in the local regions of Okitama are akayu ramen with its full-bodied and salty miso taste, Yonezawa ramen with the curly noodles and satisfying taste, and horsemeat ramen reflecting the horse-eating culture. See what kind of ramen suits your palate best!



味処 京佳 ajidokoro kyouka

道の駅米沢より車で3分のお食事処です。 そば、うどん、米沢ラーメン、 ご飯物などお得なセットもございます。 ぜひお立ち寄り下さ..



川井食堂 kawaisyokudou

道の駅米沢より車で1分!(駐車場出口に案内看板あります。) 独自開発スープが旨さの秘訣。TVでも数回紹介され、 コクと旨味が凝縮..

Welcome, Okitama journey

Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.
Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.