national treasure property

The treasures of Okitama are the treasures of JapanThe Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum has in its collections National Treasures, such as works of art, Uesugi Folding Screen Paintings of Kyoto (designated on June 15, 1995) and the Uesugi Family Archives (designated on June 22, 2001). The museum has thousands of other valuable items pertaining to the Uesugi family.



高玉芝居 takadamashibai

白鷹町指定無形民俗文化財 200年以上の伝統を受け継ぐ笑いあり涙ありの人情劇。釜の越桜の下で毎年上演され、多くの人で賑わいます。


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Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.
Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.