local cuisine

Food as a part of cultural heritageBorn of the earth and received as a part of the local heritage, local cooking is a delight to enjoy. As the year progresses, the ingredients the come into season change, bringing new flavors and cooking to the table. And truly, partaking in foods unique to a region is one of the great enjoyments of travel.


つたや旅館 tsutayaryokan

〈宿泊プラン〉 ・ー泊二食付 ・夕食付 ・朝食付き ・素泊まり ※料金等につきましては、直接お問い合わせ下さいませ。



山菜シーズンには大賑わいの小国町の観光わらび園。 山の斜面にニョキニョキと生えたわらびを採取しながら、自然とふれあえる楽しいひ..

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Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.
Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.