
One of Japan’s most prominent wine-producing regionsYamagata is well known as one of Japan’s finest wine-producing areas. The wineries of Okitama have the oldest history in the prefecture and more than half of the prefecture’s wineries are located here. The secret of the excellence of the wines is the fine quality of grapes that develop from the difference in cold and warm temperatures. Try some while you are here!


高畠ワイナリー takahatawainarî

地区ごとのぶどうの特徴を生かしたワインを造るなど、高畠の風土を生かしたワイン造りにこだわっています。 契約栽培の方々とともに高..


Welcome, Okitama journey

Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.
Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.