
The excitement to see these extraordinary structuresThere is a romantic quality to dams. Hard-core fans and first-time visitors alike will be fascinated by the vast volume of water and the power that is unleashed during a water discharge. Among the dams in the area are Nagai, Gassan, Yokokawa, Kijiyama and Tsunaki-gawa Dams, and they are used for events and leisure activities.



渓流釣り keiryuuduri

飯豊・朝日両連峰の雪どけ水を集めて流れる清流は、 イワナをはじめ川魚の宝庫として知られています。 涼しげな川風に誘われて思う存..


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Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.
Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.