
An abundance of festivals throughout the yearTake delight in the flowers in spring, celebrate the festival fireworks in summer, bask in the autumnal harvest and play in the snow in winter. There are many different festivals throughout the year. This incredible variety of festivals each year expresses the close relationship between history and tradition, and leaves a lasting impression on the hearts of all.


小玉川熊まつり kotamagawakumamatsuri



中津川雪まつり nakatsugawayukimatsuri

日本有数の豪雪地帯の中津川地区で、最も雪深く寒さの厳しい時期に「中津川雪祭り」が開催されます。 飯豊の冬を代表する一大イベン..

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Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.
Yamagata Okitama Tourism Portal Site.